Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Little Thursday Night Music

Blue Back Square has free outdoor concerts on Thursday nights in the space between Barnes & Noble and the public library.  The series is called "A Little Thursday Night Music."  It is hard for little kids and some unabashed adults to stay seated when the rocking starts!


  1. LOL

    I imagine that some kids could be a little bit shy, but the important is to enjoy the music and the Summer!

  2. This butt should take a seat. Let the little ones 'rool'.

  3. It looks like everyone is doing his and her own thing.

  4. The young ones seem more fascinated with the "big" dancer!! What a hoot, but I'm sure everyone has fun! I know I would -- no, just watching, not dancing!!! Enjoy your day, Jack! You going dancing tonight???


  5. I always wondered what 'unabashed' looked like Jack!! Very cute little group of dancers there.

  6. The little ones are cute, the big one not so much!

  7. Kids of all ages participate and that can be a good thing or it can be annoying for the little kids who can't have some fun without adults butting in! :-)

    Re your question: A few years ago, when living on the other side of town, we would frequently bike the six miles; Lois jogged the six miles; sometimes I jogged a block or two; but I did roller blade quite a ways. Great fun. I don't think I would do that anymore as I have experienced pain and don't like it.

  8. RedPat has a point here...

  9. Sounds like a happening place Jack .... Kids love to dance.

  10. Yup some people gotta do more than tap their toes!

  11. The big one needs to take a seat and stop stealing the show.

  12. Funny pic and I like Randy's comment.

  13. I like the attitude of the little one left of center with her hands on her hips and a fearless expression. The adult on the left looks like he is ready to spring on kangaroo legs. Nice pic.

  14. Love it when adults demonstrate joy with children watching. One child sure is hip!!

  15. thats cute and they all seem to wear pink!
