Friday, July 6, 2012

Hartford Daily Photo is Two

Yup.  The first post went live on July 6, 2010, a week after I retired.  You need something to do when you become a man of leisure.

Thanks to the readers, whether the regulars, the occasionals or the one-timers. It didn't occur to me that people would actually look at the blog and some would comment.  How cool!

For other photos with reflections, visit James' Weekend Reflections blog.


  1. Happy Bloganniversary to .. you all! :o))
    Well done, Jack, your reflection today is funny , and very special for a special day!

  2. Happy anniversary! Congratulations!

  3. Happy Anniversry from Tuscany!

  4. Congratulations to a photographer of many talents and many faces!!

  5. Congrats Jack! I have really enjoyed your blog.

  6. You whimsy bubbles forth on this one. Congrats.

  7. Congrats! Time flies when you're having fun! This is a creative reflection.

  8. Happy 2nd bloganniversary, Jack!!! I wish you many more years, only if you want to, of course.

  9. Happy Anniversary Jack. Looking forward to year three.

  10. Congratulations on the anniversary! Keep up the great work! You seem to be going in all directions in that photo! :-)

  11. Oh, Happy Blogoversary indeed, Jack!! I started blogging nearly five years ago -- I was going nuts after I retired!! I had traveled and lived in Mexico, visited all of my kids and suddenly had no idea what to do with myself????? My son gave me a camera and told me to go have fun and I did and I have and I do! Every day! And isn't life wonderful!! Have a great weekend!


  12. Congratulation to you, and you, and you....Gosh well done Jack, as you've pointed out yourself a few times, it's not as easy as it may look to keep's always a pleasure to visit and j'adore when I see you visiting moi aussi.

  13. I knew that your second anniversary was soon as mine is in just about a week! Love this photo, creative like the photographer/author. So glad that I have come to know you and Hartford through your postings and comments on my blog.


  14. Congrats on retirement AND enjoying your hobby! I scrolled back through some of your posts. I also took up blogging when I retired.

  15. Congratulations Jack, on two years of blogging and this amazing photo!

  16. What a wonderful glad to have discovered your blog. I have just retired and mean to spend a lot more time blog-hopping...:)

  17. Hurray - Happy Blog Birthday, Jack! I always enjoy visiting and also reading your comments especially when I post something that I know you won't like. ;-))
    Cool shot for the day!

  18. Happy Anniversary, Jack, Congratulations! Two years are not nothing...

  19. Happy anniversary Jack!
    Happy anniversary Jack!
    Happy anniversary Jack!
    Happy anniversary Jack!

    There are so many Jacks here! :-)

  20. It is really cool, isn't it? It's a delight to know that a few folks appreciate what we like to share and say... :)
    God bless you!

  21. Happy birthday. Looking forward to the next year though I know that two-year-olds can be a bit difficult!

  22. Happy Anniversary! Best wishes!

  23. Congratulations on your anniversary. Like your post!

  24. Congrats! I hope to join the cohort of retired in two years... would go now if I had medical...

  25. It is cool isn't it?! It is a fun hobby. Congrats on the anniversary. I enjoy your posts and appreciate your comments.

  26. Yea for your two years, Jack! Fabulous photo to represent your milestone.

    About your comment asking if I'd ever thought of being a mechanic, I laughed out loud. One of my pet peeves while growing up was the fact that Daddy taught my brother Howard all sorts of auto-related skills and didn't teach me one thing. I'm eternally curious about how engines work (both automobiles and trains) and adore the design of many vintage autos and steam engines. Living in Portland is so fine for many reasons, one of which is the number of vintage vehicles driven daily.

  27. Congrats Jack! Blogging is a great way of catching up with people from different corners and different cultures around the world ... a very worthwhile past-time.
    I've enjoyed your snippets from Hartford. Well Done.

  28. Congratulations on your second anniversary. And for figuring out how to be in more than one place at a time!

  29. Great caleidoscopic reflection. Like it

  30. Congratulations, Jack! And what a cool kaleidoscope.

  31. A funny shot to celebrate! I'm glad you started your blog. I really would like to visit Hartford one of these days. You do a good job of showing the best side of the city. :)

  32. Hooray for you, Jack. Happy blog birthday.

  33. Two whole years!!! What a wonderful blog you have - I enjoy it every time I visit.

  34. You have chosen a great way to spend your time, Jack. And you are a natural behind the camera.

  35. Happy Anniversary, Jack! Few people understand the time and commitment it takes to continue a quality photo blog like HDP. Well done. Hope you're still enjoying it as much as we enjoy your posts.
