Saturday, June 2, 2012

Webster Theater

The Webster Theater is a dark, sketchy place where teenagers and kids in their early 20s go to hear LOUD music from local bands and some touring bands.  If Susie reads this today, she will offer a younger person's perspective. 

Susie's bands played here a few times when she was in high school.  One of her bands even opened for a touring band that I had heard of but no longer can remember.


  1. Looks like fun! :)
    God bless you!

  2. have they changed much inside from when it was built?

  3. The names of the groups on the marque say it all...funky title that only young folks understand, I guess.

  4. I love the glass block front on this building.

  5. I agree... love the glass frontage. Those glass squares, very 50s-60s around here.

  6. Sounds like a fun place! To me at least. :)

  7. I really like the glass frontage, too, and it does look very much like the 50s and 60s!! Funny, but the things/places that looked really cool to me in the 50s and 60s have lost some of their charm -- hmmmm, but then so have I!!! Have a great weekend, Jack!


  8. There need to be places like this for live music for your people, although the development of my musical tastes arrested around the time of Woodstock.

  9. Is this the original façade? I agree with others as to the 50's or 60's look but there might also be a light Art Deco feeling to it. Well, any idea about when it was built? :-)

  10. Everyone has been there before me, lol, I'm wondering the same as JM!

    I must be getting so old. Dunno any of these and didn't know any of the bands at the rock festival 2 weeks ago in V. :-)

  11. I think it's fab for teenagers to have a place to go and listen to their groups. Some of Aimee's music she listens to is WAAAY out there, very alternative, but some of it I actually can appreciate the talent!! It's such a distinctive style of building Jack, just which style we seem to be unsure of!!

  12. I'll bet it's lit up nicely at night.

  13. I like the name Foxy Shazam!

  14. Nice looking building, but I'll pass on the loud bands. :)

  15. It must have been exciting for Suzy to open for a known group! I'm betting the Foxy Shazam is a female group.

  16. Wow that glass block wall is stunning. I was hoping to read a comment from Susie.

  17. Belle photo d'un geste de travail qu'il faut faire pour bien "remplir le théâtre"


  18. While it's been updated (at least once), The Webster opened way back in the 1930's as a movie theater, and it still retains a few traces of it's Art Deco roots. It used to be a LOT sketchier than now, as one of the first "adult" theaters in the city.
