Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Treva Again

This past Sunday, the New York Times carried a glowing review of Treva, a restaurant I have shown you before.  So, yesterday I went there to take more photos. 

The owner-chef introduced himself.  Dorjan Puka opened this restaurant eighteen months ago, after a dozen years as a chef with the Hartford area Max Restaurant Group.  The restaurant is small -- two rooms for dining and a separate bar -- and stylishly spare.  It always seems to be crowded.  In nice weather, they have outdoor seating in front, on the main street of West Hartford Center, as well as a more intimate outdoor patio behind the restaurant.

The food is Italian.  The New York Times reviewer drooled over the prosciutto and the pasta.  I have been to Treva two times since my post in December 2011, once having fish and the other time having a pasta dish.  Everyone liked their meals.  The Times review has reminded me that it is time to go back again.


  1. Take us inside next time. Sounds like a wonderful [place to dine.

  2. This sounds more like my kind of place than the all-you-can-eat buffet!
    The flowers are pretty too.

  3. I am sure this is a good restaurant!

  4. Looks a great restaurant and the chef is so kind to let you take his picture and explain about the place.It's already a nice impression, because I'm sure people there is friendly. It's a plus!

    I'm kind of fed up with people with bad mood here, not only in Luxembourg but in some cities of Germany and France as well, waiters and waitress that are rude with the costumers... oh gosh, sorry...I couldn't take the words ( feeling ) inside my heart.
    Okay, forget it.Feeling better now!


  5. Your post makes me wish I could hop a plane to Hartford to give this place a try.

  6. I wish I could enjoy a meal there, too! Sounds like a terrific place! I always enjoy your "people" shots! Hope your week is going well, Jack!


  7. That is quite an accomplishment to have a good review in the NYT after only 18 months in business. That review will be framed and hung in the restaurant, I am sure.

  8. You've got my stomach rumbling!

  9. Another restaurant to put on the list of places to try. West Hartford has certainly become a Mecca for foodies :).

  10. I'll come with you (yes, I know I'm rude inviting myself!)

  11. Nice portrait and more good press for his restaurant, though with a glowing review from the Times I'm sure he has all the business he can handle.

  12. I hope you enjoy Treva as much the third time!

  13. My mouth is watering, I'll have the fish!
