Thursday, June 7, 2012


Tom and I had not seen each other in a while.  He paused on his jog so we could talk.  I asked if I could take his picture and he assumed this muscular pose.  Why do people strike funny poses when you take their pictures?


  1. Because they didn't expect it. At least that is what I have learned after 600 street portrait. Or it could be that Tom is super strong!

  2. Nice, fun portrait Jack. People think they have to be doing something different.

  3. Maybe it is their way of controlling the situation, who knows. Guess that is a good reason to shoot first ask second. Have a wonderful day.

  4. Now that is a good question but, sometimes you can get a really great shot. This looks like one of those.

  5. I've often asked the same question, but then I don't take a lot of people pictures! You do get some great ones and I enjoy your "people studies"! I really like this one and a lovely place in the background as well! Have a good day, Jack!


  6. A very good question, Jack! :-)

  7. Well, I HATE having my picture taken, so I always feel like striking a funny pose. Someone once told me I didn't like being photographed because I am vain. Ha! I think I know I'd rather look like a Swedish beauty. Alas I have never been tall or blonde. :))

  8. Because the picture is the thing that will remain! And what shall we keep in memory here? a guy with great muscles, nice smile and beautyful blue eyes!

  9. Will he see your blog? :) Yes, great pose! He looks happy and healthy.

  10. I wouldn't know, I avoid being photographed...

  11. I guess because we are a bit embarrassed and it is a kind of displacement activity to hide that! Strong guy.

  12. I think Toms been working out at a gym ... and he's showing us his great upper arm muscles.

  13. You really seem to run into people all the time. Either Hartford is smaller than I thought, or you just know everybody! :)
    I think his pose is funny.

  14. I think people must feel a bit caught off guard!

  15. Looks very proud of itself.

  16. I think Steffe is right and anyway the pose is funny!

  17. I guess it's harder to do a 'sensible' pose, even smiling is hard to do in a 'natural' way..I hate having mine taken, it always seems to take sooooo long and there you are with this stupid look on your face haha!
