Friday, June 29, 2012


How often can you go up to a pretty stranger, tell her you like her thigh, and get a big smile? 

Kelly was a volunteer at the Sunken Garden Poetry Festival Wednesday night.  Her thigh tattoo shows a woman's head with a lion's head above it.  Kelly found the design on-line.  She told me her back is also covered with tattoos, but what was special to her about the thigh tattoo is that the tattoo artist is a woman.


  1. What a funny commentary, Jack! :-)))

  2. No way to do better than nature...

  3. I would prefer the thigh sans tattoo,but to each her own!

    PS: life in Canada is pretty good. I have a job now that is sort of a mess. But I am hoping that will change. :)

  4. If you start photographing women's tattoos, well, who knows where that journey could take you.

  5. Maybe a slap or a visit from your local constable... What a smile and an empty chair. I would have taken a 'break'. Right there!

  6. Not all that often so take advantage while you can!

  7. I always like seeing the variety of tattoos that people choose.

  8. I often wonder what the reason was behind the design and/or its placement.

  9. This is a well done, but odd tattoo. Bet there is a story behind it. Interesting.

  10. Oh Jack what a gorgeous smile she gave you while you were studying the tattoo! :-)

  11. I'm sure you were delighted Jack I'm not into tattoos but this one is very artistic.

  12. Only a rascal like you would take advantage of that opportunity.... Good work!

  13. What a master piece, accomplice smile and all :-)
    Kelly, you are a piece of art too! I am starting to wish I had some tattoo on myself. I may think seriously about it after this.

  14. I love her smile.

    Congratulations for asking to take a photo of her tattoo, I never would have dared - I was wrong, you did it and it worked!!!

  15. Gorgeous tattoo Jack, I wonder if she designed it herself?
