Sunday, May 6, 2012

Out of the Jurisdiction: Rhinos

Rhinoceros, her baby, and a red-billed oxpecker, the little bird that rides the back of big animals and grooms them.

Poachers are killing rhinos at a frightening pace.  Their horns are prized in China and Vietnam.  They are ground into powder for their imagined aphrodisiac properties.  Even though the South African army has assigned troops to protect them, some experts predict that rhinos will be extinct within five years.  Lunacy!


  1. Adorable picture, mammy and baby enjoying the peaceful day!So nice to know they are well protected nowadays!

  2. It seems that too many animals are endangered because of the actions of mankind and it appears irreversible. Makes me weep.

  3. Great photo. Combatting poachers is only one part of the solution. Consumer education to eliminate demand is also important. What a tragedy for their numbers to be depleted.

  4. Such a sweet baby. It's always good to remind everyone of their plight.

  5. Lunacy is the right word for it. Such magnificent animals.

  6. We're rapidly destroying so many of the incredible animals in our world and it breaks my heart! But don't get me started, I'll be frothing at the mouth in no time at all!! I'm so glad you've been able to travel to Africa and see so many of these before they disappear altogether! Your captures are wonderful as always, Jack! I love that they have a personal groomer!! I could definitely use one of those!! Thank you for sharing! Have a beautiful day!


  7. Lovely shot. Depressing info!

  8. I just love the golden light of this amazing place .... Unfortunate to hear about the decimation of this amazing animal Jack .. that's SO sad.

  9. Absolute lunacy Jack, that's the right word for it. It would be so much better if people who feel justified in using ground rhino horn as a aphrodisiac were on the 'endangered' list! Meanwhile what a gorgeous shot of Mum and bub in the early morning light, so brilliant to see.

  10. Jack, your whole trip looks fantastic. Your animal shots, especially the lion and rhinos, are excellent. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I hope the momma didn't charge you.

  12. Love seeing that little baby. So cute without its horn. Sad to see that creatures are not valued just to remain in the wild and not be sold/processed.

  13. NPR reported that S Africa was allowing limited hunting of Blue Rhinos for $250,0000 so that farmers would start breeding them to make money and ultimately save them. Crazy capitalism!

  14. Interestingly enough, many game farmers won't take rhinos on their land because of the added cost of protecting them. You essentially need a full-time armed security force patrolling your grounds, and even then the poachers are still getting through. Many game parks and reserves have turned to de-horning their animals as a deterrent to the poachers.

  15. Wonderful shot - I hope the experts are wrong -

  16. That baby rhino is too cute for words! Absolutely precious. I'll never understand killing an animal for supposed aphrodisiac purposes. So glad you got to see these guys in the wild.

  17. I cannot image no rhinos in the world, how sad. I had not heard of this and it is absolute madness what people do in today's world. I love the baby.

  18. Horrible what some people will do. But it's another great photo from your visit to Africa.
