Thursday, May 24, 2012


Bob and I worked together for many years.  People in the company thought we were fierce rivals for promotional opportunities, but Bob and I both felt that we should just do our jobs and let the chips fall where they may.  The chips fell pretty well for both of us.

A company that can't make good use of the talents of many people is the wrong company.


  1. Work-mates with a healthy respect for each other .... You were both winners.

  2. He looks like such an affable guy, as do you. Lucky company to have both of you in it's ranks.

  3. Bob looks like a very contented man!

  4. Looks like a great and contented guy indeed! A lucky company indeed to have had both of you! This is a really interesting series that you're sharing, Jack! Enjoy your day!

  5. Dianne expressed it perfectly Jack..Bob looks like a happy man.

  6. You make a great point about making good use of talents. I am picking up a colleague from Hartford tonight for dinner. Wish you were here to join us!


  7. I couldn't agree more with you, Jack.

  8. In France, we have a proverb:
    "Do well an let bray! "

  9. I wish my organisation would realise that! Good that you keep in touch with your former colleagues.

  10. Bob (and you) both seem to be pretty good guys. It's good that you had the attitudes you did. Otherwise, perhaps you could have destroyed each others chances and neither would have done so well. :)

  11. Hi Bob! Looks like a wonderful person to have a so called rivalry!

  12. Well, yes, there are a lot of wrong companies around. Bob looks congenial and sharp. His eyelids are low but his pupils are tuned in.

  13. Oh, I liked Bob before I read a single word. Then, after I'd read all of the words, I realized that I like you even more than ever, Jack!

  14. Bob looks like a good guy!
    Unfortunately, I don't think the company I'm working for sees things the same way as yours did. :(

  15. As Bob says, many companies are "wrong" companies. I'm glad you and Bob did it right. Good for both of you, good for the company.
    Wonderful spirit in this portrait.
