Friday, April 20, 2012

Noah Webster

The Noah Webster House doesn't permit photography inside the house, but they grudgingly let me take a quick photo of a bust of Noah Webster at the information desk. 

Another well known literary resident of greater Hartford -- Mark Twain -- wrote "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindeness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts."   I will be traveling for two weeks, returning on May 7.  I will have limited time and internet access to visit your blogs, but I do have posts lined up here.  I hope you will continue to visit. 

Who knows?  I might even interrupt the scheduled posts to show off an elephant or giraffe or daughter.


  1. What a great shot Jack! Wonderful!

  2. "Grudgingly" is something that I'd rather avoid, I don't have much room for a grumpy face... :)
    Hope you enjoy your travels a lot! Also, I really appreciate Twain's observation...
    God bless you!

  3. I love the quote! So true.
    You are off to Africa! Wonderful. ;-))

  4. Great shot as always and the quote is perfect for the day! Have a fantastic trip and enjoy every moment! Can't wait to see your photos, Jack! Enjoy!


  5. What a beautiful shot, Jack, wonderful composition!
    I wish you a good time in South Africa.

  6. Have a great trip, Jack!
    Lovely photo and lovely quote - he was a wise man,Mark Twain!

  7. Yes, a very nice shot. Enjoy your trip. We look forward to your return.

    And, about Mark Twain, aka Samuel Clemons, my father sat on his lap and a picture was taken when my father was a child. Clemons was a friend of my Grandfather's, a publisher in Elmira, NY, and Hallstead, PA. Somewhere in the thousands of pictures we have is that picture on the front porch of my grandfather's home.

  8. Love the b&w. Have a wonderful trip.

  9. Sometimes people with a bit of power are like that Jack .... at least you got your pic.
    Hoping you have a wonderful trip and I look forward to your holiday snaps.

  10. your travels sound so exciting. have a glorious time!

  11. South Africa is a wonderful destination. You should find lots of opportunity to post photos while there, and I certainly hope that you do. Cape Town is a WONDERFUL spot to visit and enjoy!!

  12. I run into the no photos allowed too....

    Happy travels, South Africa sounds like a wonderful trip and we would love to see giraffs, elephants and Susie.

  13. is your daughter fine with being placed in the same sentence as giraffe and elephant.. ? ;)

  14. I love how they placed that bust --perfect. Safe travels, Jack! Watch out for jackels.

  15. 'Elephants, giraffes, and daughter, Oh my... (I vote for many pics of daughter with flora & fauna). Happy travels to you.

    I missed seeing Samuel's birthplace in Oak Park - or maybe I walked by it without realizing. Did see the (looney) Frank LW's place though. They finally figured it out -- charging $5 extra for photos during the tour. There were only 3 of us out of 15 or so that opted for pics.
