Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Noah Webster School

The Noah Webster School is an elementary school in the West End of Hartford.  As you can see, it has a gorgeous Tudor-style facade in the oldest part of the school.

Some blogger friends urge me to post more monochrome photos.  In general, I like color, but this one isn't bad in black and white.  For those, like me, who prefer color, the original is below.


  1. B&W works well with the school's facade. I, too, enjoy color and often forget about monochrome.

  2. Looks good in black and white. I sometimes use a software to straighten the lines, that might work on this photo. Try Altostorm.

  3. Good choice to try b & w with this one, Jack. I'm the same way. I 9.9 times out of 10 I'll go with color. Very interesting building, by the way.

  4. That's quite a building. I can't recall ever seeing as fancy an elementary school as this one. But it is also the first I've seen named after ol' Noah!

  5. I wonder how long children will remember who Noah Webster was and what Webster's Dictionary is, unless it is also available on line.

  6. What a wonderful façade! The stone work on the ground floor reminds me of some typical architecture of the early 19th century here.

  7. A very cool facade. I think all schools should look more like this. :)
    I can't say whether I like the color or b&w better. In this case maybe the color... the b&w makes it a little flat.

  8. I agree with Kate but I would also do away with the tudor touches.

  9. I definitely like the color shot although they're both terrific! Interesting looking school and I love the facade! I agree with Halcyon -- too bad more schools don't look like this! Enjoy your day, Jack!!


  10. what a beautiful school!! black and white works great with this but i'm like you and always prefer to use color on my own photos. i started participating in a wednesday meme for black and white to push me to do more black and whites...its been fun to experiment!

  11. What a beautiful building, Jack!

  12. Hard to choose. In this country Tudor style is traditionally black and white, but I've a liking for the soft warm tones of the bottom pic.

  13. I'm like you, I prefer color on almost all occastions. Every now and then I'll experiment with black and white. I do love the tudor look to this building and you are right, it does look good in black and white.

  14. I almost always go for the colour! A magpie at heart I guess.

  15. In this case, I prefer colour. I like artsy black and white photos for details or portraits etc. but on the whole, when showing a city, I prefer colour! Oh and I love Tudor architecture!

  16. I like color as well, but sometimes B&W goes well.

  17. I like the color, it shows off the contrast and textures so well. I look at some of mine in b&w but always like the color better.

  18. I'm on the B&W side of the debate, at least for this image. The picture is about pattern, shape and design. Color is secondary here.

  19. Gorgeous school -- how wonderful that it has been maintained and that it is now immortalized in B&W and color on these pages.
    I may have mentioned that I attended a very beautiful, ornately done brick Junior HS in Northeast LA in the early '70s (Luther Burbank JH). It was unfortunately torn down in the mid '70s because of the earthquake code. I have not been able to find any good photos of the front except bits from my old yearbooks. I am so pleased that Marshall High School in Los Felis area was renovated and preserved. It's been used on many TV shows and movies -- including my '70s favorite "Room 222".

  20. Beautiful facade and I like the b&w picture!
