Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Cindy is a book publisher from Glastonbury.  She and her camera-shy friend were having a picnic on a bench in the Elizabeth Park rose garden.

I told her I was taking photos that might end up on my blog.  She said she was familiar with it:  "Yes, Hartford Daily Photo, Paris Daily Photo, London Daily Photo, etc. . . . "  No wonder I liked her.


  1. Beautiful portrait!She is so nice to pose for your camera! :)
    Hugs and a nice day,

  2. how wonderful, jack, to be recognized for your efforts, to have our community recognized and to capture such a beautiful spirit in this portrait.

  3. A woman in the know...terrific that she is one who appreciates photo bloggers!

  4. After she said that she was familiar with your Hartford Daily Photo blog, she probably said, "I recognized your nose, eyes and forehead, am am now delighted to see the rest of your face.

  5. It's fun to stumble on to a fan! Beautiful portrait.

  6. You're going to become ever more famous. 'Tis fascinating, though, that she was familiar with the daily photo blogs. Most people stare blankly when I explain the concept to them. Actually, they stare blankly when I try to explain anything. Even I get bored with my explanations.

    I'm bored now. Bye!

  7. She looks like a wonderful person to meet!

  8. A lovely portrait - and a lovely-sounding lady.

  9. Excellent, Jack! Love to hear HDP is listed up there with Paris and London. Um...er...did she mention Sarasota Daily Photo??? (inquiring minds and all) Your subject looks as though she has a secret.
