Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What did the groundhog see?

Even though February is the shortest month in the calendar, I always thought it was the longest month psychologically.  It is the part of the winter when most New Englanders are getting pretty tired of winter, even mild winters like this one.

So, here is a reminder that winter is going to end.  Sunbather by Duane Hanson, 1971, in the Wadsworth Atheneum.


  1. Nice reminder. We had a thin layer of snow this morning, but I am happy to report that it is already melting away.

  2. She's almost roasted!here, local people know sun too much to let it burn our skins that far!Funny sculpture anyway!

  3. Gosh!

    She looked like someone I knew.... years back!!:)

  4. OMG! What a fun piece of art - I bet it's kinda creepy in person, though. Is it?

  5. Not only New Englanders, Jack!Polish are also tired with the weather outside and really would do with some sun:)

  6. Very funny one today Jack! You have such an interesting mix of art in Hartford.

  7. She's going to make some dermatologist very happy one day.

  8. a wonderful piece and i am in complete agreement with you about february.

  9. She looks so real..If the groundhog popped his head out and saw this, I think he'd retreat quick smart! This is a sight I see often on the beaches here, so crazy! Hold on Jack, spring is almost here for you!

  10. Funny sculpture, here I'm anxious waiting for Summer because I miss the sunlight so much.However in Summer I use to avoid sunbaths.

  11. We have many of these on display in our beach resorts... Only the newspapers are different.

  12. Hmmm. Maybe in New England February is the longest month. Last night I attended a meeting where a weather guy (it's his day job) said March is the worst here because just when you are convinced it's really spring, a blizzard dumps a ton of snow on us. Well, that's what HE said. I'm not sure I totally agree with him. :)

  13. I do believe that she's about done -- well toasted!! And this is probably the most unique sculpture I've ever seen! It does say it all! Thanks for the breath of hope for spring! Hope your week is going well, Jack!


  14. She needs to close her eyes! That sun is gonna burn her retinas! :)

  15. Hmmm...looks like an ad for skin cancer.

    Y'all don't like the golf cart I posted? Sheesh! You could afford at least two...one for you and one for you-know-who.

    In The Villages, we've seen custom carts that cost $30K and up!

  16. VP's comment just literally cracks me up!!!!!

    This is actually so true!

    Jack, did you receive my email?

  17. This one cracked me up Jack! Thanks.

  18. I think I have seen some of Duane's work here at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. It's fascinating. I'm so glad we can take photos in art galleries most of the time.

  19. This artwork could be used as a social commentary on the dangers of sunbathing. Could be hanging on a dermatologist's office wall.

  20. ha ha, I couldn't imagine what you were going to say about this sunbather and groundhogs.

  21. She look pretty realistic! I have to say that she has all of the important accoutrements with her.

  22. lol -- what a shocker for today's post! Good one. Btw, is it possible for snowbirds to have cabin fever???

  23. Hanson's stuff is just too weird, but it's also fun and provocative. I first saw his work in Washington, in a little-known but quite large contemporary art area on the top floor of the National Portrait Gallery. You pick your way through all this serious, challenging stuff and then wham, something like this. Really good image - just love it.

  24. This is so cool! Usually we are pretty tired of winter in February too (OK, winters are mild here), but not this year as we are having a spring feeling all season long. Actually the drought is causing an incredible number of forest fires that have never occurred this month.

  25. Lord I thought that was me for a minute but i'm not that .....tan.

  26. So lifelike, like a waxwork. Wonderful bit of social commentary.
