Saturday, February 11, 2012


You don't see many "artsy" pictures here.  I am much too literal-minded . . . it is just the way my mind works.  But I liked the way these chairs were lined up for a talk at Hartford Public Library the last time I visited.

OK.  They aren't really very artsy.  Sorry.   I'll go back to taking pictures of things and scenes and people.


  1. Oh no Jack! I like the artsy .... You're good at colours textures and shapes.

  2. No, you are NOT too literal-minded; your self-assessment does not square with the photos you have posted today nor in the past. Yes, as a friend of mine often says...very artsy fartsy!

  3. A great photo to demonstrate that there is beauty everywhere!

  4. I agree with Michelle - some of the most beautiful things are the ordinary. What a great eye you have to see this beauty in this very mundane scene.

  5. Nothing to be sorry about here! "Art is in the eye of the one who is looking". I see modern flowers here; There's always an artsy and poetic part in everyone, even in the most literal minded one! :o)

  6. I love it! You have a good eye for spotting this scene.

  7. Good to live on the WILD side somedays.

  8. I like this shot Jack. Artsy...yes but in a good abstract way!

  9. phhhfffttt, as the French would say. This is artsy in my book and I'd have been all over these chairs shooting them from every angle. I don't know why stuff like this floats my boat ( aren't you glad I didn't say, "Blows my skirt up"?) but it always does.

  10. Art like beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

  11. I beg to differ regarding your self-assessment. In fact, I would classify your photo yesterday as artsy as well. Also, the night photos you posted months ago of the science museum are bouncing around in the artsy compartment of my too-literal mind.

  12. They do look artsy to my eyes... Great shot!
    God bless you!

  13. I love your artsy shot!! And besides, all of your captures have their own "artsiness"! I suspect there is a pocket of that tucked in a corner of your literal mind! Have a great weekend, Jack, let the artsy flow!


  14. I'd like to know how your mind works Jack, was there a bigger picture that was cropped, or did you zoom and take the shot as is!! I like it a lot and yes as much as you don't want to admit it, there's definitely an 'artsy' side to you!!

  15. Well, you are getting more and more artsy...or maybe, looking at these chairs, you've become "chair-man" of the bored? Boredom can create creativity, you know. I think.

  16. Never mind the labels, this works. Something about the grey and orange as well as the pattern.

  17. Art is in the eye of the beholder and this eye says I like the composition and repeating shapes!

  18. I agree with Michelle you caught some nice beauty here. Great design.

  19. Sure, or maybe industrial. Turbines?

  20. I think they're artsy! And I can see why you were attracted to this shot. It's really nice with the lines and textures.

  21. Not sure if this is artsy, but it is an excellent image...

  22. Well done, Jack, it's a very cool composition!
