Friday, January 27, 2012

Golden Gate Bridge

Last October I was in San Francisco for ten days.  While there, we rented bicycles and took a bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito, returning by ferry.

I paused along the way to take some pictures -- surprise!!! -- but I haven't been able to find a good time to post this reflection.  So, today, here it is.

To see other photos of reflections, please visit James' blog, Weekend Reflections.



  1. A bike ride across that famous landmark ... What can I say but Wow! I'm sure the views would jhave been spectacular.
    A great jreflection pic Jack.

  2. Woaw! the reflection is great, and the place is mythic!

  3. An unconventional framing for a world-famous landmark!

  4. It's beautiful! San Fran is one of my favorite cities. :)

  5. What fun, Jack! Love the reflection and also love the idea of biking there. When in the Bay are I always try to find time to walk across the bridge. Years ago DH and I met Sally (?) a former mayor of Sausalito in a bar as she strutted around with her parrot on her shoulder. Seems this colorful woman was a former madame. Also, have you read or heard of the wild parrots? Love the story and the documentary.

  6. So similar to the 25th of April Bridge over the Tagus in Lisbon. But this one came first! :-)

  7. Beautiful shot Jack! I've only driven across the birdge. It must have been fun to ride across it on a bicycles.

  8. That bike ride must have been great fun! Superb reflection!

  9. Wonderful reflection Jack. Really nice. Have a nice weekend.

  10. Nice work Jack, great bridge reflections in the foreground and marvelous mountains as a backdrop, excellent shot, glad you decided to use it. Have a great weekend, 42C tomorrow so it's possible I may be hibernating haha!

  11. A great reflection and beautiful scenery in the background!

  12. A different view of the bridge from what I'm used to seeing.

  13. Ah, my favorite bridge! And how fun to bike ride over it!! I'm impressed! Terrific capture/reflection for the day, Jack! Have a great weekend!


  14. Awesome shot! I've crossed that bridge many times but never by bike. Sounds fun!

  15. Good idea to rent a bike and ride across that bridge, the photografic result is great!

  16. I love it! And the fact that you rode your bike across the bridge.

  17. Nice one. Stupid me thought there was a Golden Gate in Hartford for a split second...

  18. Beautiful! I am hoping to get there this summer!

  19. Golden Gate, one of a place in the world, I always dream of to ride on with my bike. :D Well done!

  20. Excellent reflection. I do love this city.

  21. I'd nev er get on a bike these days with my camera. WE'd both be in a puddle somewhere...broken.

  22. That's a nicely different view of the bridge.

  23. Such a wonderful way to see the Golden Gate Bridge, I gather they had a bike lane. I only remember it with heavy traffic. Great photo!

  24. Must have been a fun trip. Cool shot of the bridge.

  25. Wow, a bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge! You are braver than I am, that is for sure. Love the reflection and glad you found a time to share it.
