Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This attractive young woman caught my attention as we approached the crosswalk from opposite directions.  Bright red blouse against the stark white walls of the Crate & Barrel store.  So I took a picture.  I don't know why I am using it in a post today.  I just like it.

I was asked about Crate & Barrel after mentioning it in a recent post.  Crate & Barrel is a national chain of high end stores offering furniture, housewares and accessories, with a modern design emphasis. This store is in Blue Back Square.

This post is linked to Ruby Tuesday.


  1. Great picture for the theme! That girl is charming!
    Léia :)

  2. Excellent title Jack. Hmmm I recognize that guilty look.... caught holding the cake!! Been there, done that. She is gorgeous though and a little cake will not do her any harm.

  3. Perfect shot for Ruby Tuesday. I wonder what's in the bag?

  4. Awesome ~ ^_^ ~ Great for Ruby Tuesday ~ namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

  5. I can see why you like this shot. It is a great candid shot and the red blouse is a standout.

  6. It really is a nice shot. I love Crate and Barrel.

  7. I love her blouse! Did you ask her where she got it? ;-)

  8. Great Ruby Tuesday shot! I can get lost in C&B, I love that store.

    PS: You should rethink your comment about Niagara Falls. They really are spectacular and worth a visit. You wouldn't necessarily have to stay in the tourist trappy area just near the falls. :)

  9. Ah Jack. You have a good eye;)
    Now that looks like me...(minus the legs- oh...and I'd be wearing runners;))
    ...as I try to take off out of the store carrying something I shouldn't, like a cake or 2!
    She even has the shades:)

  10. It does seem like the bag must have a cake or tray of cupcakes, otherwise it would make no sense to carry it like that.

  11. It is a great shot and love the red shirt! Perfect! Crate & Barrel is a favorite up in this part of the country, too. I always enjoy the random shots you find, great people watching! Enjoy your day, Jack!


  12. She is gorgeous and I like the natural pose you got. I have some nice coffee cups we bought at Crate & Barrel.

  13. She's joining the international group of "Women in red", glamorous and beautyful. Red clothes and women is a long, rich and beautyful story!

  14. Just saying hi from Amish country. Richard from Amish Stories.

  15. She is lovely, Jack and I like her blouse:)

  16. Nice capture, Jack, and you do have an ability to snap some great portraits. Do you also take photos of men? (hehe, just kidding!)

    We love C&B and my favorite is the flagship store on Michigan Ave in Chicago... well, I like just about everything on Michigan Ave.


  17. I'd guess you've got 4 or 5 reasons for posting it! :-) It's also a nice slice-of-life shot.

    Re your comment on Ocala: Just one of our good ol' boys; boots, hat, and a real red neck!

  18. Looks like she is carrying lunch. I love to browse Crate and Barrel stores.

  19. Oh we know why you took that shot....you're planning a Hartford Rouge series, oui?

  20. I would have been entranced. You're a better man than I. My hands would be still shaking.

  21. The red may have caught your eye, but I bet you took the picture because you're a leg man!

  22. You took the photo because of that bright red blouse!


    “I don’t have time,” my grandfather said,
    “to dither around and stand on my head,
    pretending that crimson is blue, not red—
    just tell me the truth, if you please.

    “I’m much too old for being lied to,
    so tell me the truth about the rose hue
    that colors the sky when the day is through
    and adds a bright blush to the trees.

    “Some call it red and some call it pink,
    some call it strawberry wine-colored ink;
    I call it rubicund, that’s what I think—
    now leave me alone, if you please.”

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Featherless Pomegranate

  23. Now, this is a great capture! I would have thought about taking the shot too.

  24. Nice capture. She's a woman on the move. Looks like she's a toting a 'Big Salad' too. (Ignore 'Big Salad' comment if you're not a Seinfeld fan.)
