Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blue Hydrangea

Hydrangeas in blue or pink or white are a common (and welcome) sight in early summer.


  1. I have a particular soft spot for hydrangeas. They're lovely against this wooden fence.

  2. This flower is so beautiful, we can found them in South of Brazil as well, thanks for this lovely memory!
    Your picture is great!

  3. An abundance of beauty. I think you have an affinity for summer flowers...lucky for us since you photograph them so well!

  4. They are lovely Jack, you're so lucky to be able to grow them, I think it might just be too hot for them here, blue flowers are just gorgeous.

  5. I want some blue ones for our backyard! Lovely they are!

  6. In France, you can find them in Brittany, not on my side of the country. i like the effect with the wooden fence behind..

  7. I love hydrangeas. The acidity of the soil determines their color. These are really lovely!

  8. Don't let Elenka see these, or I'll be planting AGAIN!

  9. My favourites. They come in huge bushes blue and purple in Brittany (the westernmost part of France). And they make wonderful dried bouquets.

  10. I love these gorgeous flowers. When I travel in England I see so many of them. I sure wish we could grow them here.
    I saw your comment about the Chihuly Exhibit in Boston. I'm so jealous! I actually tried to find a way to get there just for a quick weekend but, with other trips I have planned just can't squeeze it in. I did see the photos on the museum website. It looks like a great show.

  11. Beautiful flowers, I like them, but they are not very common here!

  12. I LOVE hydrangeas and particularly the blue ones! Gorgeous! And a terrific capture! Hope your week is off to a great start, Jack! Enjoy!


  13. Fabulous flowers! Such a beautiful blue.

  14. I wish the blue variety were hardy enough for my gardens! I guess I should be happy that I can grow a few white varieties. :)

  15. I agree with everyone, these are a favorite, they are great dried and color is determined by the soil.

  16. Hi Jack! I'm new to your blog tho' we've both commented on Clueless. Thanks for the hydrangeas! I miss mine so much, as I am now apartment living and had to say goodbye to my beautiful garden.

  17. I think they look perfect against this fence. I prefer the blue.

  18. Like everyone, I think the hydrangeas look lovely along the wood fence! :D
