Friday, March 18, 2011

Weekend Reflections: Self Portrait

The head-top I show with my profile isn't much of a self portrait.  So, I put on a proper green shirt for St. Patrick's Day and took a photo of myself in the bathroom mirrors.

To see other photos of reflections, go visit Newtown Area Photo  any Friday.


  1. Funny! Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the funniest of them all?


    We went to dinner at our club last night and wore green because we thought the people we were with were as funny as you and would be all greened up. They were not. They wore brown and tan and blue.

    I was green with envy!

    But some people there had big green hats and I did take a couple of pictures which I might show sometime. When I feel you can handle such sights.

    Heh, heh!

  2. Nice self portrait, Jack! But it looks like your camera was made backwards?!
    I like your St. Patrick's Day posting yesterday!

  3. You are daring indeed showing so much of yourself! I'll keep my eyes open whence visiting FM. I like to think your green shirt was in honor of the Spartans, who sadly, botched a lot of brackets last night. Rough season for the boys in green. Izzo should be happy they even got into the Big Dance.

  4. Jack, your camera is fabulous!
    Amazing self portrait, I like it a lot!
    Hugs and congrats!

  5. Darn! And we all were coming around to pinch!:)

    Good self-portrait...."The Man Behind the Work"!
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Great self portrait! You have some great equipment to get some wonderful shots!

  7. There you are! Nice to see our fellow bloggers, even with the camera glued to our faces! HA

  8. That gets a smile, I, too, like the flash, I'm sure it would compliment my 50D. :)

  9. "Self-portrait as photographer"..I hope to discover "self-portrait as blogger", " as stroller", "as dreamer" day!:)

  10. Gee that is so much better than the half shot....

  11. I love it!! Definitely rates a big smile and a giggle as well! And you're braver than I am! Such a great reflection shot for the day, Jack! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!


  12. It's a wonderful shot! I forgot to wear green yesterday.

  13. Love it! You gave me a chuckle for the day.

  14. Love your self photo reflection... you have really gotten into self-portraits lately, hehe.

    Great camera, too!


  15. Great shot. It's crystal clear. Mirror self portraits are common with all of the social network sites (usually teens making dumb faces trying to look cool) so it's refreshing to see one nicely done. Kudos on the festive colors as well.

    Thanks for the comments on my night portraits. This trip to SF produced, by far, the best I've ever taken. I've finally started to get a feel for the mechanics of night photos. SF is an easy place to practice too. I'd love to see the Hartford skyline all lit up at night!

  16. Bonjour Jack! I'm so pleased to meet you! And I know you didn't drink the Jameson's, Bailey's and Guinness. I was merely teasing! :-)

  17. Nice job, little canon ! You did a magnificent picture of your human master...


  18. Did you really use that flash to bounce off the light? If so then the result is pretty good.

  19. I like it! It's a self-portrait of you, and your bff, Mr. Canon. :)

  20. I was experimenting with flash or no flash, camera flash or accessory flash, diffuser or no diffuser, direct or bounce. It turned out that the one I liked best was no flash, but I still had the accessory flash and diffuser on the camera so it is confusing.

  21. Great fun the colors of your hallway match your shirt perfectly!

  22. Ahhhh....the classic self portrait of the photographer...well done!!! And nice camera too!!!

  23. Fantastic self portrait, Jack! I love the repetition behind you.

  24. For the record, I like your half picture. Has a puckish quality like your sense of humor.

  25. Hello Jack!:)
    Nice shot.
    Greetings from Gunn /Stavanger / Norway.

  26. A good idea! I have to do something like this sooner or later.
