Sunday, March 20, 2011

Steampunk Fashion

I was standing in front of the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford's main art museum, when this young lady came walking down the sidewalk toward me.

Can I take your picture?  Sure.  And where are you going and why are you dressed up today?  I'm taking a bus to the Mark Twain House for a Steampunk Fashion event.

Uh.  OK.. Have fun.


  1. This is a wonderful portrait of a woman with a sense of humor. I think I would have followed her right over to see ol' Mark Twain.

    Off to the golf course. See ya later.

  2. Seeing the photo I thought it was a man :))

    Funny picture.

  3. What an appropriate name for the function about Mark Twain.

  4. Oh how fun! I can imagine there is a lot of rekindled interest in Mark Twain with the publication of the autobiography!

  5. Excellent. Next time, methinks you could go too! :-)

  6. Twain's wisdom is timely today. Too bad that some people allow controversy over his use of the common language of 150 years ago to ignore the content of his message in books such as "Puddin'head Wilson."

    Thank you for your question a few days ago about the border dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica. I responded to your comment in my post today.

  7. I'm sure she will have fun!!! Glad she let you photographer her.

    BTW - Monet's Water Lilies are at the Atheneum too. I am kinda of disappointed that the work is divided and not all in one location. I love Impressionist art work.

  8. I'd carry my costume though. Those photographers drive me CRAZY!

  9. I recently saw a production of Romeo & Juliet in steampunk style. It worked quite well and the costumes were interesting. Nice shot you got here too!

  10. This photo is a bright spot in a gray morning here in Minnesota, which seems to have too many drab days for me. I think the costume is terrific. Thanks for visiting my blog so regularly; I'm always glad to see your name because you always make great comments as you did on my cup post this am. You should post a photo of some of the "four thousand cups" you have!

  11. She is cute and very sweet!I like her sense of humor, maybe she is an artist!

  12. Great shot. Looks like quite the event. Might have made for so more good photos.

  13. Your mustached model seems to have a quiet sense of humor!

  14. I love it when I learn something new. I clicked the link you provided and I still wasn't sure what this Steampunk thing was all about. So, I googled the word and learned something new. So glad you captured this young lady on her way to the event.

  15. I'd like to meet some of these guys for some snaps!

  16. Jack, I love your photos, but this is when I envy you. You seem to have a great eye for all of the unique characters in your community (the characters that MAKE the community). I would let this strangely attired woman pass me by with little more than a glance. It wouldn't cross my mind to take her photo. I'd be too busy trying to get the right angle on a building. Great work (to you, not her. I don't know how I feel about the hat... doesn't compliment her mustache well).

    Re: "my demographic." You're right. It felt like we were too young for most of the stores and attractions. Not the beach, though. Stunning. It's not a complaint at all, just and observation. I'm fine with the world not being ENTIRELY centered around my age group! It's good to see that Hartford is welcoming to the Steampunk demographic though. I would hate for them to feel left out.

  17. She looks like she knows how to have fun;))

  18. She looks like she is having fun! I have to go off to google steampunk.

  19. GREAT! You were at the right place at the right time!

  20. LOVE it and I really need a mustache on a stick.

  21. Who are you and what have you done with Jack? Because Jack would never approach someone and take their photo. Well, whoever management dispatched....well done!

  22. So are you doing the 100 Strangers Challenge Jack? I hope so. You're off to a great start.
