Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Out-of-Town: Village Lights

Last week I was in Columbus, Ohio, for a couple of days.  On Sunday night, Village Lights took place in German Village, a historic in-town neighborhood south of the downtown.  The streets were lined with luminaria, and thousands of people from central Ohio strolled the neighborhood from 6 to 10 p.m.  Restaurants and stores were crowded.  Neighbors vied for attention with their holiday lighting displays.

One gentleman has a bright red house.  The inside is also painted bright red, from the floor to the two-story high ceiling.  Every year he has 8 - 9 friends help him install a 19-foot tree in his dining room.  The tree was covered completely with lights and ornaments, and the dining room was decorated festively.  It was a sight to behold in the Christmas season!

On the night of Village Lights, the house was open to passers-by, who lined up 20-deep to walk through it.


  1. I was in Columbus once, years ago. Even had a job offer, but turned it down 'cause I didn't want to leave Texas.

    This appears to be a delightful event. And well-attended, too! 20-deep? Well, your photo gives an idea of how entertaining the place must have been.

    Hope you have a wonderful day. It's too cold here, still!

  2. This is just beautiful. It must have been quite a sight to see.

  3. Did ya get snowbound? Lots of festive colors here.

  4. Great shot. I love hearing about different holiday festivals too.

  5. Das sieht tatsächlich ziemlich deutsch aus!


  6. I would have loved to have been there!

  7. Oh Jack! What a beautilul, cozy and funny post! I'm in love with these teddy bears at the table:)

  8. I'm not sure about keeping a red room for the rest of the year, but this is really a great idea!

  9. You managed to capture the cozy atmosphere. Nice shot.

  10. great picture...can't wait for Christmas!! greetings from Barcelona.


  11. I got to see this amazing home. When I walked into this room, I felt the wonderment children do when they see their Christmas tree. It has been a long time since I was a child and I was surprised by my reaction. It wasn't just another decorated house; there was magic! And the spiked egg nog they gave to everyone kept us warm!
