Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jack Likes to Shovel Snow

My neighbor Jack is almost 80.  That's right.  80.  He still plows his driveway and shovels his sidewalk.  Jack lives on a corner, so his sidewalk is twice as long as others.

Jack jogs daily.  He competes in road races and is looking forward to this summer's races when he can compete in the class for 80-and-up instead of the kids 70-79 years old.

Jack is outside daily in every season, planting and pruning, mowing the lawn, raking the leaves, painting his house and doing anything else he can think of to stay busy and break a sweat.


  1. nice portrait of the superman. Probably fitter and stronger than most of his neighbours half his age.

  2. Hoorah for Jack! May he remain healthy and active for many more years. Nice to see a "senior" celebrated!!

  3. There's snow enought to shovel this wintere! He's amazing man your nighbour Jack! I'm really impressed.
    Greetings from Poland to him:)

  4. A hearty New Englander! That's why so many people here live so long. You need to struggle more to survive.
    Margaret (SE CT)

  5. That's awesome. He doesn't look his age at all. If you find yourself on McGregor, some of my favorite Christmas decorations are along that street -- including flying gators pulling Santa's sleigh.

  6. That's great! I only hope I feel that great when 80.....I'm sure I want to still be running then:)
    Nice portrait.

  7. Great story. I agree, he doesn't look 80. I can only hope I'm half that capable when I'm his age.

  8. What a wonderful portrait of a handsome superman. He appears to be a hearty New Englander.

  9. That's great. My mom turned 80 in November. She is amazing like that, too. Only where she lives, there is no snow. If there was, though, she would be right out there with your friend Jack. :-)

  10. Great post, friendly looking fellow. Jack has aged well and does not look his age. My husband's family is like that, at 82 his Grandpa was up roofing two summers ago.

  11. Though I'm not sure I'll reach that age, I would like to be in such pristine condition!

  12. I feel guilty, here on a couch!

  13. Here's hoping that we all look like Jack when we are his age! Nice story.

  14. How inspirational. It seems one of the keys to a long and happy life is to keep busy and active. It's lovely to meet your neighbour.

  15. I think I like your neighbour! He sounds like a great guy.

  16. Boy he is a good advertisement for saying healthy.

  17. When I saw the snow I suspected Hartford was on the East cost. But I confess I had to look on the internet to find out where it was exactly. Thanks for the visit to my Denver photo blog ;-)

  18. Jack is a great role model for us youngsters.

  19. I think Jack knows the secret to living...get off of your bum.

  20. What a stud! All the 60 year old women must chase after him, unless he's got a wife!

  21. When I grow up I want to be like Jack :)

  22. Jack is a phenomenon and now has a fan base. Seems to be defying time and we all want to know his secret. Please don't tell me it involves shoveling snow. I hate being cold.

  23. I don't know Jack.

    That's what people have said. Doesn't surprise me, though, I mean he lives way the heck up in Connecticut! Sheesh!

    Looks like a healthy specimen. Heading toward that magic number myself I was glad to read the other day that 80 is the new 60! Yeah!!!

  24. Jack looks nimble & quick! :) He makes me wish to start exercising again...which was my Christmas resolution (I moved it since New Year ones never work). I remember enjoying shoveling a long driveway when I was 17 and snowed in at Big Bear with my boyfriend's family for Thanksgiving. Have not done much of it since.
    I really like both photos. The first is such a wonderful happy winter scene.

  25. Don't forget to mention he raised 10 children. This is his last speaking. I could never be more proud, ever. You're one of a kind pop. Can't wait to see you, soon. All my love, JIM

  26. He's one hell of a dentist, too! I Love My Granddaddy <3 - Danielle
