Monday, December 27, 2010


Hartford finally got some meaningful snow on Sunday.  It is a blizzard, with winds gusting up to 35 miles per hour.  A snowfall of 12 to 20 inches is predicted before the storm ends on Monday afternoon.

I expect to be running around on Monday seeing what pictures I can make.


  1. I love the first shot with the lights glowing in the house. Enjoy the snow!

  2. I agree with 'chick. The home has such a festive look.

  3. It's difficult to cope with but the photos are superb! The house in the first one looks so inviting, and I love the blue shades in the second one!
    Have a nice day:)

  4. These are great shots! I can't wait to see more. I can almost hear that wind howling. (I won't mention what it's like here today.)

  5. I'm aware of the chaotic situation in airports on the east coast. First it was Europe, not it's the Sates... The top shot is beautiful.

  6. It's been all over the news here. Can't wait for your shots, these are great already!

  7. I look forward to seeing more snowy photo's. I too like the photo of the house lights in the snow scene. Looks peaceful.

  8. Let me know if you need to borrow my snowblower! I just filled it up with gas!

  9. Yikes! I just read some places got 30 inches and winds of up to 80 mph, the barometric pressure reading equivalent to a category 2 hurricane! Ugh.

    I shall await with bated breath your photos taken during your excursion into the whiteness today!

  10. Great shots. I'm really slacking on the blizzard pictures. Hope you all were able to dig out alright over in Hartford!
