Saturday, November 27, 2010

Barney House: Pick One

The Barney House was originally owned by the family of a former governor of Connecticut.  More recently it was a conference center for the University of Connecticut.  About ten years ago it was sold and I believe it is now back in private hands.

Which of these three photos would you show?

The top photo emphasizes the house's elegant setting and its grandeur.

The middle photo was cropped to show only the central part of the first photo, in an attempt at a more "artistic"  presentation.

The bottom photo is a different picture, showing the great dane that came running up to scare me away.  This was intended to add some life.

So, if you were showing only one photo today, which would you show?  Or would you have run away from the dog?


  1. Today? I would have used the dog shot. It's cool with the shadow too.

  2. Depending on how it behaved, the dog MIGHT concern me! :-D Hard to choose, they're all really excellent. I like the middle shot best, though. It's a cool perspective and it allows one to see the splendor of the house itself.

  3. Wow, tough choice. I think I'd use the top one and then save the dog shot for another day. The top one with the gate post shows the full grandeur of the place. Love the dog! I might have made an entry just for him.

  4. I agree with Birdman, I like the last shot!

  5. Ooh, tough choice! I'm going to make life difficult for you and disagree with everyone else-- I like the middle one the best! The bit of the pillar gives a hint of the gateway, and I'm a sucker for detail on old houses. They're all beautiful, though!

  6. Ooh, big dog, I'd have run! They're all nice but I like the top one best - the open gate invites you to enter and explore.

  7. Has to be the top photo. Can't use the dog photo as you have cut is legs off.

  8. That is a big house. I would hate to clean it.

  9. Maybe the top one, what a wonderful house!

  10. that's not a great dane, it's an anatolian shepherd.

  11. He has a name, it's Hakan.
