Thursday, October 28, 2010


This is the time of year when families buy pumpkins, a tradional symbol of fall and Halloween.

OK, OK.  Maybe this photo isn't very creative.  But there is a rule around here that I have to show pumpkins every Halloween.  It's not my fault.


  1. Lol, no it isn't your fault. They tried here but most people said it was "American commercial stuff" so that there's hardly anything left about All Hallow's Eve (apart from the Catholic All Saints, but that's on the 1st).

    I have to add that people believing it's American commercial stuff are partly wrong. The tradition has existed in the westernmost countries of Europe for centuries. An Irish friend of mine remembers carving out turnips as a child (rather than pumpkins which weren't readily available at the time). But then again, I have to add that a bit of commercial stuff has been added...

    I love your sea of pumpkins!

  2. It appears my original comment was "eaten". Anyway, it went something to the effect that I like your shot. The pumpkins are really colorful!

  3. Lol I used to go trick or treating as a child when living in England. Nothing like that in France... Yet a (ceramic) pumpkin is going to appear on my windowsill nevertheless!

  4. I love your sea of pumpkins! Very colorful. Who can resist taking such a photo?!

  5. That is quite the pumpkin patch!

  6. Nice shot Jack! I think I see the Great Pumpkin!
