Friday, September 10, 2010

Weekend Reflections I: Mirrors

There are lots of mirrors at antiques fairs.  I liked the way the top photo makes it appear that the couple in the right mirror are looking disapprovingly at the woman in the left mirror, even though they were actually in different locations and had nothing to do with each other. 
In the second photo, I waited until the couple strolled into view of the larger mirror, hoping to make it appear that they were at the table behind it.

For more Weekend Reflections, click here.

(I enjoy reading your reactions to my photos, but now I am travelling, so please don't be offended if I don't respond to your comments for a while.)


  1. Great shots! I love the way you've "distorted" the scenes with the mirrors. Very creative.

    Happy weekend.

  2. These are brilliant. I once did that but not this well!

  3. Lovely reflections! I love antiques markets:)
    Have a great weekend!
