Saturday, July 6, 2024

Fourth of July Parade

Getting the balloons,  flags, buntings, and red, white and blue crepe paper.


Getting a flag taped to her bike.

And they're off!

They have been playing in the parade longer than anyone can remember.

If you had been here every Fourth of July for 50 years, you could be the grand marshall, too.

Many of the camp staff are international, but on the Fourth of July, they are enthusiastic Americans, too.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Wacky Canoe Races

 The wacky canoe races are a highlight of a week on Squam Lake.

First, up and back.  

While the "lake sharks" throw buckets of water on the canoeists.

Then, up regularly then paddle back with arms only. 

 Change places when the whistle blows.  Jump out on the whistle and get back in.

  Up regularly then "gunwaling" back -- one of the team bounces up and down on the rear seat of deck while the other paddles with arms only.

Finally, both out of the canoe, swamp the canoe, then paddle it home.   Blue ribbons for everyone, because participating is being a winner.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Independence Day

 Have a wonderful Fourth of July.

I look forward to a big parade if the weather accommodates.  Photos, of course, if the parade takes place.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Capture the Flag

 Capture the flag is always played on Monday night.

No one older than 20 is permitted to play.  

The young ones look forward to it.  They spend weeks talking about their "strategies." 

The game ends when it gets too dark to see 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

At the Lake

Three generations have spent time in the summer at the camp on Squam Lake in New Hampshire.  

We are back for Fourth of July week.

Needle Point is the narrow tip of the peninsula on the west side of the bight, opposite the main dock.

Each year the young ones begin by jumping off the diving tower to assess how high it feels relative to their new heights, before moving on to dives and flips.

The young ones always love chasing -- then climbing on -- the Rec(reation) Committee staffers.

Tie-dying tee shirts has become popular in recent years.

The cabins are old and simple.  Each has its own dock on the lake.

Monday, July 1, 2024

A Flea Market

 The July 1 theme for City Daily Photo participants is "flea market."  I would have sworn that I don't have any flea market photographs.

But, lo and behold, look what a search of my photo archives turned up!  A flea market in Paris in 2015.